About Grand

Feb 5, 2013

Square Jaw Reduction at Grand!

V - Line Reduction at Grand

A slender face line from every aspect is esteemed as an ideal face line by women.
And you can have a beautiful jaw line at Grand.
Square jaw makes kind of sharp and strong appearance. 
It includes people who have bigger lower bone than the upper bone, especially the one below the root of the ear.
And it accounts for your bigger face line.
In this case, you can have a slender face line through the procedure of removing a square jaw and reducing the equivalent of front jaw.
Grand's Square Jaw Reduction is somewhat special because it does V - Line Reduction Surgery simultaneously with Square Excision and  the Cortex Bone Fracture Excision.
This method cuts the point of lower jaw and makes a soft line.
What is important in this process is not to make a boundary between the bones.

To make a V - Line

The Cortex Bone Fracture Excision is a procedure which cuts exterior skin of bone jaw. 
If Jaw Surgery is done with this procedure at the same time, the surgery can make a clearer line.
Also, to create more dramatic effect of side, Cortex Bone Fracture Excision and Square Excision should be done with concurrently.
You can find many hospitals do V - Line plastic surgery
But why the Grand's V - Line Surgery is so special?
To have surgery, you need to have a 3D CT for evaluating your jaw line then the doctor will decide how much it should cut.
The surgery will be done by diagnosing scientifically.

Safe Square Jaw Surgery

Grand's Square Jaw Surgery is free from danger!
The surgery is very complicating in that it has to cut facial marrow containing the significant blood vessels.
At Grand, it is possible to cut them safely with precise examination of face through 3D.
The surgery requires very difficult degree of technique.
Yet, you will be totally safe from the risks for an experienced surgeons will operate it.

Who needs the Square Jaw Operation?

We recommend someone who want to have a V line!
Such as people with large, square upper jaw and long, unbalanced jaw length, side square jaw and someone who has a distinguish jaw line!
The best way for having a V - Line face is the surgery! 
But, if the problem is related with muscle, the Botox will solve the trouble. 
And if the fat is making trouble, you can have a V - Line by removing the fat.
However, for the bone problem, the facial contouring surgery is the answer.

Square Jaw Surgery can make a result that can change whole facial line and appearance - overall facial contours can change.
You can find out that you look more womankind.
Make a change with Grand's Square Jaw Reduction or V - Line Surgery!

Visit our website and learn more!


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